
About the Project

In 2006 an idea that began as primitive farming in a small town Mgbagbu-Owa, Enugu state, Nigeria, West Africa and
mechanized farming in 2016 at Korkuteli, Akdoghan, Sandaler in North Cyprus; will be a worldwide food and agribusiness
venture. In the next 5 years; the vision and sacrifices Nwankwo Vincent (Vince) has been making for the past 14 years is the
main foundation for this organisation to the position it is today and beyond.

Pledge to the Planet


To creating an urgent awareness and encouraging young people to engage massively in agriculture to eradicate the increase
in hunger in the world today.


To keep our pledge to our planet earth and fulfill our promise to our world.

About the Vision

Vince has this inborn capacity to see prospects where others sees obstacle,
and he has the capability to  follow up on them which in the nearest future will transform a one-man agricultural activities into a worldwide food and agribusiness venture.

Inspiration and Role

It is estimated that agriculture is 4 times more effective in reducing poverty than
any other working sector in the world. The world is now depending on agriculture more
than ever before to feed both the rich and the poor and it is the one economic sector
that no country can flourish or even survive without; and haven’t started his studies in
information technology and computer programming in school, Vince has an immeasurable passion to
play a key role in bringing back the dying world economy through a call to the world youths
to take part extensively in agriculture.


Agrovince had the idea before the beginning of this institution, no favoritism, but a fast response on time to all our customers based on first come first serve services will help build the trust we want in all our deals.

Fitness and Well-Being

Our goal is an unwavering commitment to the safety and well-being of our people, our customers and our networks.

Community Collaboration

Agrovince is still making room for improvements to help variety of good condition in the networks and ventures where we work. From donating items to supporting and donating feed to disadvantaged people Lots of volunteer time at nearby events, Agrovince and his staff will be happy to help progressive efforts to improve our network of community and the lives of all.


Agrovince is seed production, plant farming, animal farming, fertilizer manufacturing, milk processing, feed manufacturing, food brands and distribution with the view of producing a diverse array of internal and external talents and resources, in the process of creating a comprehensive view of the industries to work in that hasn't been done before.


In the next 5 years; the vision and sacrifices Nwankwo Vincent (Vince) has been making for the past 14 years is the
main foundation for this organisation to the position it is today and beyond.


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